Edmonton LRT Station Status
Status as of: Feb 6th, 6:53pm
- Elevator:
- #29 Platform: In Service
- Escalator:
- #28 Platform: In Service
- Elevators:
- #30 Platform: In Service
- #31 West Entrance: In Service
- #32 East Entrance: In Service
- Escalators:
- #33 Platform: In Service
- #34 West Entrance: Out of Service
- Elevators:
- #96 West Entrance: In Service
- #97 East Entrance: In Service
- #98 Platform: In Service
- Escalator:
- #59 Platform: In Service
- Elevators:
- #1 Chancery: In Service
- #4 Winspear: In Service
- #94 Platform: In Service
- #602 Connector: In Service
- Escalators:
- #56 South Platform: In Service
- #57 North Platform: In Service
- #601 Connector: Out of Service
- Elevators:
- #92 Platform: In Service
- #93 North Entrance: In Service
- Escalators:
- #53 East Platform: In Service
- #54 West Platform: In Service
- #55 North Entrance: Out of Service
- Elevators:
- #90 Platform: In Service
- #91 North Entrance: In Service
- Escalators:
- #49 North Entrance: In Service
- #50 West Platform: In Service
- #51 East Platform Down: In Service
- #52 East Platform Up: In Service
- Elevators:
- #88 South Entrance: In Service
- #89 Platform: In Service
- Escalators:
- #45 South Entrance: In Service
- #46 West Platform: In Service
- #47 East Platform Down: In Service
- #48 East Platform Up: In Service
- Elevators:
- #84 South Entrance: In Service
- #85 South Platform: In Service
- #86 North Platform: In Service
- #87 North Entrance: In Service
- Escalators:
- #41 South Platform Up: In Service
- #42 North Platform: In Service
- #43 Southwest Entrance: In Service
- #44 South Platform Down: In Service
- Elevators:
- #111 East Platform: In Service
- #112 West Platform: In Service
- #113 East Entrance: In Service
- Escalators:
- #101 East Platform Up: In Service
- #102 East Platform Down: In Service
- #103 West Platform Down: In Service
- #104 West Platform Up: In Service
- #105 East Concourse Up: In Service
- #106 East Concourse Down: In Service
- #107 West Concourse Down: In Service
- #108 West Concourse Up: In Service
- #109 East Entrance: In Service
- #110 West Entrance: In Service
- Elevator:
- #100 Platform: In Service
- Escalator:
- #99 Platform: In Service
- Elevators:
- #114 Platform: In Service
- #115 East Entrance: In Service
- #116 West Entrance: In Service
- Escalators:
- #120 Platform: In Service
- #119 East Entrance: In Service
- Elevators:
- #117 Platform: In Service
- #118 East Entrance: In Service
- Escalators:
- #122 Platform: In Service
- #121 East Entrance: In Service
- Elevator:
- #130 Platform: In Service
- Escalators:
- #131 East Entrance: Out of Service
- #132 West Entrance: In Service
- Elevator:
- #610 Platform: In Service
- Escalators:
- #611 Mezzanine: In Service
- #612 Ground: In Service
Desktop Site | All Elevator Statuses: @YEGLRT
YEGLRT.ca is a JordanSchulz(dot)com project
YEGLRT.CA is not affiliated with, maintained, or sponsored by THE CITY OF EDMONTON and/or EDMONTON TRANSIT SYSTEM (ETS). This is an independent, unofficial site. All information (including operation information) contained on this site or posted on Twitter feed(s) is UNofficial and subject to change without notice. Contact Edmonton Transit directly or visit their web pages to confirm information. Site background photo(s) credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tibs1 Status Information provided by City of Edmonton Open Data LRT Elevator/Escalator Master List